Refer-A-Friend Program

Refer-A-Friend Program

*BoWdAcIoUs BoWs*

Options are key to showing off the look YOU want to own. With these 5 bow types, which are available in numerous color and center choices, options are something you will never be without.

#1. The BowDacious Basic Bow
Small: $3.00, Medium: $3.50, Large: $4.00
#2. The BowDacious Basic with Party Center Option
Add $0.50 to the Above Prices
#3. The Curly-Q Bow
Small: $4.00, Medium: $4.50, Large: $5.00
#4. The Mother of Mums Ribbon Flower
Medium: $5.00, Large $6.00
#5. FrouFrou Frilly Flower Bow
Small: $3.00, Medium: $3.50, Large: $4.00

If you can think it up, I can make it.
If there is a desired outfit or color you are wanting to match, please feel free to email me pictures along with your order so that I can ensure I get you just the look/colors you are looking for.

A few examples of the many different center choices available. Besides what is shown here, there are small, medium and large gemstone and button center options in all colors, shapes and sizes.